+63 83 877 6347 info@lgis-authority.com

LGIS QUALIFICATIONS ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY, Country Partner of PEARSON LCCI (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry) in bringing International Certification to the Philippines, work hand in hand in Advancing the Filipino Talent to the World.

LGIS Qualifications Assessment Authority, the country partner of the World’s Leading Learning Company Pearson got an amazing opportunity lined up for you. We are delighted to inform that we have now 2 new LCCI qualifications suites. Marketing and Business. whether you’re looking to land your first job or progress in an existing career or find employment. Take the Pearson LCCI International Business Qualifications Exam and be Internationally recognized! Land the job of your dreams here and abroad with an impeccable resume and a Pearson LCCI Certificate that’s recognized worldwide!!

Give yourself a global edge! Take the examinations now available in the Philippines.