A Message from our CEO
Until now, our strategy has concentrated on strengthening our business foundations which gives emphasis on the realization of our Vision and Mission of Creating Globally Competitive Learners. Our aim is to promote International Qualification Standards to develop the country’s human capital and innovation capacity.
We are in the 4th industrial revolution – In the coming years, advances in Artificial Intelligence, will likely revolutionize business models in many industries, which may remove the non-thinking or less-thinking jobs and will put more emphasis on jobs that require “critical thinking skills among others. The skills, then, that the future needs are the skills demanded by this revolution and obviously they are the skills that “create” the future —- complex problem solving skills, social skills, process skills, and systems skills among others. Our Company sees the need to support our Partners, Affiliates and Members to focus on constant up-skilling, re-tooling of the learners. We need to prepare learners that cannot be substituted by robotics or machine learning technologies.
We are in strong collaboration across industry, academe and government to face the challenge on working out ways and means to ensure that the changing nature of work benefits everyone. Our work continues to expand into innovative and exciting new areas, reaching more institutions and learners toward inclusivity, open and prosperous society, peaceful country and becoming a responsible member of the international community.